IR GM300 Thermomtre infrarouge missivit fixe (0,95) (usage non mdical uniquement)

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24,10 € 20,08 €
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Veuillez noter quil sagit de thermomtres IR industriels, veuillez donc vrifier les spcifications avant dacheter car des frais de rapprovisionnement de 20% sappliqueront aux produits inutiliss. La prcision de ces articles les rend impropres un usage mdical


Model GM300 Fixed Emissivity (0.95)
Description Générale GM300 infrared thermometer is used for measuring the temperature of the object's surface.
Précision +/- 1.5°C / +/- 1.5%
Resolution 0.1°C or 0.1°F
Emissivity 0.95 Preset
Distance to Spot Size 12:1
Battery 9V
Function #1 MAX / MIN / AVG / DIF reading
Function #2 Auto Power off & Data Hold
Function #3 High / Low Temperature Alarm setup
Function #4 Laser ON / OFF selectable
Unit selectable °C / °F
Source de courant Requires one standard 9V battery (included)
Measuring range -50°C to 450°C
Important Information These are industrial IR thermometers, so please check the specifications before purchasing as a restocking fee of 20% will apply to unused products